How To Save The World With No One Even Realizing - It all starts with Rin's kidnapping, and her subsequent rescue at the hands of a mysteriously appearing, monstrously strong, murderously violent woman. A woman with cotton candy pink hair. It only devolves from there. - Команда номер 7 + Шикамару путешествуют во времени и злодейски спасают мир. Смерть персонажей.

One Life for Them All (If That's What It Takes) - “Deku” is a hero whose strength seems limitless, with a quirk to topple mountains and the most powerful of foes. He is a symbol of peace, and carries the wishes of lost friends and the legacy of a past mentor on his shoulders. But Midoriya Izuku is also a weak-minded, quirkless boy of eleven years, with the name “Deku” being nothing more than a juvenile insult. Time and place don’t really matter though— because regardless of what he appears to be, he knows exactly what he fights for.